About Us

CrimeStoppers is a community-based program already proven to be highly effective in other parts of the country. Here in Hunterdon County, NJ, we’re lucky to have a low amount of crime, but we are not, unfortunately, crime-free. Our goal is to engage our entire community – citizens, media, and law enforcement – to work towards
making our communities safer by identifying the people committing crimes and getting them off the streets. Safer towns mean more visitors, more residents, and more business, resulting in more jobs and increased revenues.
At the core of creating a safer community is preventing crime. While increased police visibility has an impactful effect in deterring criminal activity, the foundation of real prevention and reduction is in taking criminals off the streets.
CrimeStopper's strength is in its ability to protect the identity of informants. No person’s identity will ever be compromised, not even when HCCS has been
subpoenaed by the courts.
See something, say something, get cash--all anonymously.
The information provided through Hunterdon County Crime Stoppers helps our local law enforcement agencies in their investigations and can play a major role in the apprehension of criminals and in securing convictions.


In March 2013, the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office, in partnership with the Hunterdon County Police Department and a group of concerned citizens, launched Hunterdon County Crime Stoppers – the first program in Hunterdon County that directly engages the community to impact crime reduction and public safety. Hunterdon County Crime Stoppers rallies citizens, provides an avenue for them to safely and anonymously report information about criminal activity and incentivizes them with monetary rewards if the information leads to an arrest and indictment.

Who is Involved

Joe Smith      Coordinator, Anderson Police Department
Jane Schnider      Board Member
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Crime Stoppers